- August 25, 2019
Where does rice come from?
A staple diet in many parts of the Asian subcontinent, rice is the seed obtained from a species of grass. It is a cereal grain and is the world’s third-highest agricultural product to be consumed. Composed of 68% of water, 28% carbohydrate and 2% protein, rice is rich in nutrients making it healthy for not only consumption but skin application as well. Rice was considered as the first crop that was cultivated in the Asian subcontinent. The origin of rice dates back to 3000 BC and was first discovered in the Yangtze basin of china.
Being a widely consumed product people are more aware of the benefits once consumed. However, what some of us aren’t aware of, are of the benefits when applied to our skin. It is considered as a storehouse composed of vitamins and minerals. Usage of rice as a skincare product has been an ancient practice adopted by people of Japan, Southeast Asia as well as China. With the wide range of skincare cosmetics available in recent times, this home remedy is an elixir when it comes to achieving that smooth baby-soft skin.
What are its Benefits?
When it comes to application, the water (called liquid starch) obtained from draining the boiled rice is what acts as the medicine for your skin. Once a person is done washing the rice thoroughly, they are to boil it until it is properly cooked. The water in which the rice is boiled is then drained off and stored for the purpose application. Listed below are benefits experienced by a person on the usage of rice water on their skin:
1.Reduces dark patches:
Dark patchy skin usually occurs due to the reaction caused by the presence of excess melanin. Melanin refers to the brown pigment that produces a person’s normal skin colour. There are deposits of melanin found in the skin also referred to as melasma spots. They are also recognized as age spots and are usually formed due to hormonal change. Using rice water on these dark spots helps lighten them. This happens as it increases the amount of collagen present in our skin.
2.Combats dry skin:
Certain cosmetic products that are meant to help combat dry skin may cause allergic reactions. The presence of sodium laurel sulfate (SLS) as an ingredient in these products causes skin irritation. Rice water acts as an anecdote for SLS as it helps repair dry and damaged skin if applied twice a day.
It has been claimed by many people that the application of rice water helps in soothing the skin. It helps clear any blemishes caused by certain skin conditions such as eczema and even helps in healing it. There isn’t any hard evidence to prove this theory but it is a statement that is believed by many people to be true.
4.Sun damage protection:
The harmful rays of the sun can have some disastrous effects on our skin, causing our skin to be damaged entirely. In order to protect ourselves from the harsh rays of the sun, we apply sunscreen to our skin. However, simply applying sunscreen may not be as useful as we think it to be. A study that was conducted in 2016 has shown that the nutrients present in rice help in protecting the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. So, one can also choose to buy a sunscreen with rice extract present in it along with other plant extracts.
Potential Side effects
Before using rice water on your skin, it is advisable to confirm that the person applying it isn’t allergic to rice. People who are allergic to rice application may face problems such as sneezing, itching, asthma or even eczema. Even simply coming in contact with the steam produced by rice may cause an allergic reaction in some people.