- December 10, 2019
If you see your friend suddenly looking much more flashy and extravagant, especially around the eyes, be sure to know that it is probably an eyelash extension. Often used among women in the 21st century, eyelash extensions have become more common, and often dangerous.
Eyelash extension treatments are not preferred by many as they are very expensive and requires a high amount of maintenance to make one look prettier. However, scientific research says that eyelash extensions do indeed damage your true and natural eyelashes.
How do eyelash extensions ruin your natural eyelashes?
Eyelashes have a shorter growth rate compared to normal hair on your heads. That is why if an eyelash gets plucked or falls off, it takes a bit longer to grow back compared to hair in our heads. The same can be said for our body hair.
Eyelashes have a shedding phase known as Telogen, which comes after a long pause, unlike the hair on your head. Over time, when the hairs start to grow back, they become finer and stubbier than before, which affects the beauty of eyelashes over time.
This is one of the main reasons why people get eyelash extensions to keep their dreamy eyes in shape. However, not all things pretty end up being good for you.
Eyelash extensions are done by specialists and eye beauticians that involve placing extra artificial eyelashes over your original ones. However, this is recommended to be done with care as placing the extra eyelashes require careful attention as hastiness will lead to ugly results.
You need to be gentle while placing the eyelash extensions, as one misstep might damage your eyelids, especially the place where your real eyelashes are. You must at all costs avoid rubbing the area, as it will hurt your eyelids, leading to redness, itching, and other forms of unwanted irritation.
You also must not overfill your eyelashes, as placing many eyelash extensions in one eyelid will lead to premature shedding of the eyelashes, which is caused due to the extra weight that gets added on to your eyelids over your real eyelashes.
You need to condition your eyelids for safety, as it will make your base or real eyelashes stronger, making them easily able to withstand the extra weight that will get added on to it by eyelash extensions. Eyelash oils are easily available in the market and will be a good product to use, especially if you use eyelash extensions.
Also, doctors advise that you should get at least a month of break before eyelash extensions. Eyelash extensions do not last forever and need to be treated in various sessions. It is advised that these sessions will need to be at least months apart to give time for your real eyelashes to stabilize.
It is said that your real eyelashes take a long time to return to their true form. It is estimated that in some cases, a year is needed for your true eyelashes to recover back to the state it originally was before extensions were added on to it. Therefore, you should not be hasty with adding extensions. Only do so if you require it, and your doctor or specialist have agreed that it is appropriate to add them.
Hair supplements and eyelash stimulating oils are recommended to be used by doctors worldwide, as use of eyelash extensions over time will reduce the strength of your real lashes. These products, however, are not cheap and should be bought if it is absolutely required, especially if you have weak lashes. Eyelash extensions do not damage your real lashes, but you need to maintain them for best results, which is often very expensive.
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