- December 10, 2019
People lose their eyelashes for various reasons, and it also tends to take a while for one’s eyelashes to grow back. Eyelashes also go through various cycles, just like the hair on the scalp go through three hair growth phases. If you shed a few lashes here and there, it does not raise any reason for concern, but severe injuries and illnesses can cause numerous eyelashes to fall out. In this section, you will learn why eyelashes tend to fall out, and you will also learn how to grow them back.
The Growth Cycle of Eyelashes
On average an adult has about 150 upper eyelashes and about 60 to 75 lower lashes on both of the eyelid. The three phases that each eyelash goes through in the lash growth cycle are:
Anagen phase
In the anagen phase, the eyelashes grow for about two weeks. Eyelashes that have fallen out during this period will not grow back in a while.
Catagen phase
During this phase, your eyelashes stop growing for about ten days.
Telogen phase
This phase lasts for approximately five to nine months. This phase is known as the resting period before an individual’s eyelashes start falling out and make way for a new one to grow in its place.
Your eyelashes can go through these three phases at any time. The complete cycle of your eyelash can last up to eleven months.
Causes of Eyelash Fallout
Chemotherapy, lash extensions, burns and other reasons can lead to eyelash fallout. They can also fallout because you wear mascara regularly, which can cause an allergic reaction on your eyelash. Extreme loss of your eyelashes could be a sign that you might have a medical condition.
When an individual is diagnosed with cancer, then he or she has to undergo treatment to fight this illness. This treatment is called chemotherapy. It can make an individual lose their hair both on the scalp and their eyelashes. However, not all chemotherapy results in the loss of hair. If you use a treatment that is known for causing hair loss, then you will lose your eyelashes, body hair, and eyebrows.
According to a study that was conducted by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, it was found that if the eyelash falls out, but the follicles of your hair are still intact then your eyelashes will grow back in 6 weeks. Still, if the follicle is severely damaged due to a burn injury then your eyelashes may never grow back.
Lash extensions are made out of fibers which are glued on top of your eyelashes to create thick and longer eyelashes. When you pull your false lashes out, you also pull out your natural lashes as well.
Some people pull out their hair on an impulse. This is known as trichotillomania. It is a psychological condition where people who are diagnosed with it tend to pull out their hair on a spur. This condition can affect your hair anywhere on your body. If you pull your eyelashes, they might grow back in a few months.
How to grow them back?
You can speed up the growth of your eyelashes in the following ways: First start using an eyelash serum
Maintain a healthy diet
Eating foods that are rich in nutrients can help to increase your eyelash growth. Proteins, biotin such as nuts, cauliflower, kale, and broccoli, fruits and vegetables can help in growing your eyelashes. These foods contain vitamins and essential requirements which encourage the growth of your eyelashes by increasing the production of collagen.
Including iron in your diet can also help in the growth of your eyelashes. A lack of iron in your diet can result in your eyelashes to enter the resting phase. Foods that are rich in iron such as poultry, seafood, spinach and dried fruits help you to attain longer lashes.
Eyelash curlers
Avoid using a curler for your eyelashes as they tend to tug on your eyelashes which can lead to damaging your hair follicles.
Avoid rubbing eyes
When you rub your eyes a bit too roughly, it can lead to loss of eyelashes. Our eyelashes are delicate and tend to break very easily if rubbed too hard.
Wash off the makeup
Leaving mascara on your eyes overnight can lead to drying them out. Dry lashes tend to fall out.
Castor oil
Castor is known to help in obtaining longer and fuller lashes. Apply castor oil on your lashes overnight and see the change that occurs in just a week.