- March 10, 2020
You might have noticed that there is a small bump or pimple growing on your forehead. This swollen portion of your skin is called a pimple. It is generally red in colour and looks ugly when only one pops up in your skin.
Forehead acne is pretty common among teenagers and young adults. It is caused due to the accumulation of excess oil and dirt in your hair follicles present in your forehead. This accumulation of oil and dirt, along with dead skin cells causes acne to form on your forehead.
Forehead acne can be easily recognized as small red bumps. If these bumps are red in colour, then they are known as papules. Over time, these papules accumulate a lot of white-coloured pus at the head of the pimple. This is known as a pustule. If acne is not treated properly, it leads to scarring of the skin, which looks ugly. If you do not want that to happen, then you need to start your acne treatment right away.
What Causes Acne on Forehead
Acne on foreheads is caused by multiple reasons, ranging from hormonal imbalances to oily skin.
Acne on foreheads is pretty common among teenagers when the skin becomes oilier than usual. This is caused due to the onset of puberty and hormonal changes that occur on one’s body. Your skin is protected and lubricated by an oil known as sebum. Over time, this sebum can accumulate at certain patches on the skin, and often end up clogging hair follicles. These clogged hair follicles, along with the accumulation of dirt and dead skin cells, cause pimples and acne to develop.
However, these are not the only reasons that cause the outbreak of acne on your forehead. Acne can also be caused by mental distress like emotional stress, tension, and mood swings, the latter of which can be due to the onset of the menstrual cycle in females, especially teenagers.
It has been found that the overapplication of hair products can also lead to the outbreak of acne on your forehead. The same can be said with the improper application of these same products. Some of these hair products include hair oils, wax, gels, and other products. These products are more likely to cause acne if the skin is oily and sensitive. The same can be said for skin products like creams and makeup, which can potentially cause acne if the face is not cleaned properly. In the end, it all comes down to how well you take care of your skin.
How to get rid of Forehead Acne
In order to get rid of forehead acne, the following steps can be carried out to ensure that you have no pimples or acne in your forehead and make sure that you look more beautiful than before.
Skincare treatment procedures include regular moisturization of the skin using facewashes that are readily available in any pharmaceutical stores. All you need to do is to wash your face using the facewash twice every day for the best results. Facewashes help in removing the accumulation of excess sebum on your forehead and also helps in keeping the skin cells and hair follicles moisturized.
Natural treatment
Natural treatment includes using aloe vera products and consuming herbal tea like green tea. These products and edibles have specific properties in them like the presence of azelaic acid, which is scientifically proven to have a positive effect on reducing pimple and acne growth. Tea tree oil is also good for the skin to reduce acne.
Prescription treatment
Prescription treatment includes consulting a doctor and using prescription drugs like antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide formula, retinoids, and anti-androgen agents. These should not be ingested casually, as these can have specific side effects on your skin, which can potentially worsen the situation. Always consult a doctor before getting on with this treatment.