- February 5, 2020
Lashes or eyelashes, protect the eyes from debris and dust, particles. They are sensitive and act as a protective shield for our eyes. They make you aware if there is any insect/ant or particle around or near the eyes.
Lashes are found in mammals. Camel lashes are remarkably long and thick, horses and cows feature lashes. Many times animals like dogs have inherited lashes problems. Also, birds like hornbills have prominent lashes as do ostriches.
Eyelashes or lashes are the hairs that grow at the edge of the eyelid. As it grows, it forms layers (three layers) on the edge of the eyelid.
The lashes of the human embryo develop from the 22nd to 26th week of pregnancy, natural lashes do not grow beyond a certain length and fall out by themselves without any trimming required. If lashes are pulled out eyelashes take about seven to eight weeks to grow back, but if this is continuously done it has permanent damage. At times lash colour may differ from one’s hair colour. The follicles of eyelashes are associated with a number of glands of ZEIS and glands of MOLL. Long lashes are considered a sign of beauty and women tend to enhance their lashes using a mascara, kohl etc.
False lashes came into being from the 20th century or what we call artificial lashes
Typically three types:
Synthetic Lashes, human hair lashes and mink fur lashes. Synthetic lashes are made
from man-made materials, including rubber and other recyclable materials, whereas mink lashes are made of real mink/fur.
The mink lashes are lightweight and comfortable to wear because the fibres are lighter and softer as well as naturally carry a beautiful curl. They are delicately crafted so as to match the requirements of their customers. They are what can even call luxury lashes that aren’t that readily available in the market. These kinds of lashes tend to be pretty expensive, and only a few brands tend to produce them.
Also, the false/synthetic lashes are not very expensive, and some last for only one-time use, while some you can use three/four times whereas mink lashes can be worn up to 25 times with proper care which justifies that it is priced a bit higher than other local and synthetic lashes that are available in the market.
If one goes to compare, synthetic lashes that are mostly made from plastic fibre and
hence are usually machine molded and meant to be either disposable or a one time use plus due to the material used, they are a bit thicker than a human eyelash, and the ends are stubbier and hence a vast difference between your own lash and the synthetic ones.
However, mink lashes take the cake when you compare it with the synthetic one. Mink hairs are usually soft and thin as well as fine; they are ultra-soft and extremely lightweight which is why when you wear them it gives you a chic as well as a very natural yet beautiful look. That is if you can wear them without feeling guilty about the helpless minks.
If a person is curious and wants to try using artificial lashes then obviously mink lashes are a great way to start with. One must remember synthetic lashes have a plastic band and are hard to apply so if you use mink lashes (if you have an occasion or wedding) you will reach another tier of fashion.