- February 19, 2020
Essential oils are obtained by distillation or evaporation from plants. While essential oils are most renowned for their aromatic quality, they are also highly beneficial for health. For traditional, European, and homeopathic medical items, essential oils are used for a long time, owing to their potency and their low risk of side effects. Another benefit of specific essential oils is that hair is strengthened. Various oils can all enable hair to expand, add strength, and vitality. Choosing the perfect natural hair growth oil or blend is the difficult part.
How does it actually help?
Interesting question! For that, you need to know what the main ingredients. These oils have ingredients like Lavender extracts, Rosemary extracts, Cedarwood extracts, and many more. Each of these elements helps your hair to grow better, stronger, and silkier.
Here is a list of essential oils that will introduce you to the world of better hair care and nourishment.
Lavender essential oil
Hair growth is stimulated by lavender oil. As researchers of a single animal study found that lavender oil has properties that can promote cell growth and decrease tension. It also contains antimicrobial and antibacterial products that can improve the health of your scalp. Combine a few drops of lavender oil and apply directly to your head, with three teaspoons of compact oil, such as olive oil or coconut oil. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes after which rinse it off with your favourite shampoo. Repeat this process a few times a week.
Peppermint essential oil
Peppermint essential oil can induce a fresh and sparkling feeling as it improves the circulation of the surrounding area. During the anagens (or development stage), this can help promote hair growth. Blend your preferred carrier oil with two drops of peppermint essential oil. Massage it on your scalp and then leave it for 5 minutes before rinse off with lukewarm water.
Rosemary essential oil
Rosemary oil, due to its capability to boost cell formation, is a great choice to enhance hair thickness and hair development. Rosemary oil, as well as minoxidil, are commonly used to promote hair growth. Combine a few drops of rosemary oil and add to your scalp with the olive or cocoa oil. Allow it to be washed out with shampoo for 10 minutes at least. Do this for the best results twice a week.
Cedarwood essential oil
The cedarwood oil is intended to promote hair growth and minimize hair loss by stimulating the oil glands in our scalp. It also has antibacterial and antifungal strengths, which can cure various conditions that may aid dandruff or hair loss. Cedarwood extract is also known to decrease hair loss when added to a mixture of lavender and rosemary. Combine a few drops of essential cedarwood oil with two teaspoons of your favourite carrier oil. Massage your scalp with it for 10 minutes after which you can wash it off.
Lemongrass essential oil
Dandruff may be a common problem, but having a healthy flake-free scalp is an integral part of fashion. Lemongrass oil is an effective cure for dandruff. Applying lemongrass oil to your hair helps in reducing dandruff. Add a few drops into your shampoo and massage your scalp to get rid of dandruff related problems.
Thyme essential oil
Thyme can stimulate hair growth by providing your scalp with the proper nutrients required as well as help you avoid excessive hair loss. Among all essential oils, thyme is relatively stable. In 2 teaspoons of carrier oil, add two small drops and massage your scalp. Leave it for 10 minutes and then shower it off.
Clary sage essential oil
Clary salvage oil is made from the same linalyl acetate that allows lavender oil to grow hair. In addition to increasing hair growth, it can increase hair control and make it harder to split off. Blend with your preferred conditioner three drops of clary sage oil or one teaspoon of carrier oil. Rinse off after 2 minutes.
Tea tree essential oil
Tea tree oil has excellent antibacterial, antimicrobial and cleaning effects. It can help isolate hair follicles and improve hair growth if used topically. This essential oil is highly concentrated, so it is usually used as an ingredient in various moisturizers and conditioners. In your shampoo, add ten drops of tea tree oil and massage your scalp. Or you can blend three drops of carrier oil with two teaspoons and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing them off.
Ylang-ylang essential oil
Ylang-ylang oil is suitable for those who have dry scalps because it can improve sebum production.
Since inadequate oil and sebum make hair dry and brittle, ylang-ylang can help in nourishing and conditioning your hair and minimize hair breakup.
Mix 5 drops of ylang-ylang oil with two teaspoons of any other essential oil that has been warmed up. Massage your scalp with it and wrap your head into a warm towel.