- October 19, 2019
Thousands of people have been using black seed oil for its therapeutic properties. It has been used in food, medicine and even for beauty products. The Black seed oil extract is drawn out from the seed called black cumin. The seeds come from a small plant called Nigella sativa. This plant has pale purple leaves, and it is mostly found in Western Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. The black seed oil contains an element called thymoquinone, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory element. Studies have shown that this element can reduce the chances of getting tumors. You can use the black seed oil by directly apply it on your skin or by taking it as pills. Black seed oil can also be used in cooking, beverages, and baking. Various research has shown that black seed oil has many benefits. It has been proven that including black seed in your diet can reduce a person’s body mass index. This oil has also been proven to have anti-diabetic properties, thus helping in reducing diabetes and keeping one’s blood sugar levels in check. Black seed oil can also be useful for skin problems.
Black seed oil can help in :
● Reduces eczema: Eczema is a skin condition which makes the skin itchy and dry and flaky. It commonly appears among children but can occur at any age. A study has proven that black seed oil is beneficial for those with this type of skin condition. The oil extracted from the black seed can reduce the extremity of the symptoms of eczema.
● Reduces acne: A further study was conducted, which suggested that black seed oil contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can help in reducing acne and its various side effects such as inflammation. A study that was conducted has shown that around 58 % of people found that using black seed oil can reduce acne and only 35 % felt that the outcomes were average.
● Psoriasis: A study that was conducted on mine, in the year 2012, has shown there are antipsoriatic benefits of using black seed oil. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition which happens due to an overactive immune system. The symptoms of Psoriasis can be flaky skin, inflammation, and red patches of skin. Black seed oil can help in reducing these symptoms of Psoriasis.
● Hydrates hair: Black seed oil can also be beneficial for your hair. It helps to keep them hydrated throughout the day and makes your hair soft and shiny.
● Moisturizes the skin: Black seed oil can also help in moisturizing the skin. It improves the skin by giving it ample moisture and hydration.
● Heals wounds: By applying black seed oil on wounds, it helps in reducing inflammation and also germs that are living in our skin, thus helping in the process of wound healing. Even though black seed oil does not help in the growth of new collagen fibres, it can stimulate other growth factors such as help the body to create new healthy skin.
● Helps prevent cancer: Black seed oil contains thymoquinone which can help in influencing apoptosis, and in several types of cancer cells such as brain cancer, breast cancer, and leukaemia cells. However, the research that was conducted on this thymoquinone property of black seed oil has only been used on cancer cells rather than on living human beings. So the healing properties of black seed oil on living cancer cells has not been completely proven yet. Thus making it not fully effective in treating people with cancer.
As shown above, black seed oil has many beneficial properties for your health and your skin, but its supplement should not be substituted in place of proper medication. Before using herbal supplements, you should always consult your doctor. Black seed oil is beneficial for the functioning of your liver, but too much consumption of the oil can be harmful to the liver.