- March 10, 2020
Most people want to have thicker hair. Thicker hair means that your hair is stronger and denser. People spend a lot of time, money, and effort to get thicker hair. The search for the perfect product or oil and shampoo seems to be endless in order to complete the quest to get thicker hair.
However, there are a few simple tricks and tips one can follow to ensure that they grow thicker and stronger hair. The best part about all these tricks is that they can be done easily in ones home. These tips, if followed, will let you have thicker and stronger hair at an affordable expense.
Steps to get thicker hair
Using supplements like saw palmetto
Serenoa Repens, also commonly known as Saw Palmetto, is a herbal fluid that is extracted from the American dwarf palm tree. It is generally available in many drug stores around the world, most commonly found in the form of pills and tablets.
Saw Palmetto is useful as a herbal remedy for treating patients with hair loss. This herbal medicine s known to block the growth of the alpha-reductase enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for making your hair thinner, leading to the process of hair fall. Therefore, this herbal remedy is useful for getting thicker and stronger hair, so that hair fall is reduced greatly.
Implementing the use of Biotin supplements
Biotin a type of vitamin complex that is required in our body to make our hair, nails, and skin stronger ad better. Biotin is easily available in the form of pills and powders, as it is easily soluble in water. Therefore, it is unlikely that small quantities of this vitamin will suffice. This vitamin is also readily available in stores worldwide.
However, it is essential to be noted that there is no scientific evidence to prove that the intake of biotin supplements will result in increased hair growth and thickness of hair. However, it has been scientifically proven that a lack or deficiency of biotin vitamin in your body indeed does result in hair loss and thinning of hair. Therefore, this is a valuable supplement to be included.
Having a proper and balanced diet containing seaweed and Iron
Seaweed and Iron-based products are essential for you as it makes your hair thicker and stronger. Common seaweed like Kelp is easily found in grocery and other stores so that you can easily buy them. The plant is filled with fatty acids that help in improving the quality of your hair and skin, making your hair stronger and thicker.
It is also essential to include Iron-based food products in your diet, as Iron helps in improving the strength of your hair.
Applying MSM Supplements
Methylsulfonylmethane, or MSM, is an organic compound that is readily available in many drugstores in the form of supplements. This supplement has been scientifically proven to lower hair loss, increase hair growth, and make your hair thicker and stronger.
Using a mild shampoos
Most people try out different kinds of shampoos when having a bath. While each shampoo is different from each other when its chemical composition is considered, all shampoos have two common substances in them – Minoxidil (Rogaine) ad Finasteride (Propecia). These two chemicals; compounds are necessary to make your hair grow faster and thicker.
Many shampoos have many compounds that act mostly as detergents. Shampoos that contain such chemical compounds is best left unused, as they will significantly damage the quality of your hair. Therefore, you should always go for mild shampoos that are soft on your hair.
With the help of these solutions, you will be able to make your hair longer and thicker.