- January 5, 2020
The part of our body that tends to influence the way we look and appear in front of other people is our hair. A head full of long, silky and beautiful hair is almost every girl’s dream. However, not everyone is so lucky. Some of us tend to face quite a few problems related to their hair, some more dominant than the others. A widespread yet significant challenge faced by many adults and even teenagers in recent times is the problem of hair loss. People can lose their hair for a variety of reasons. It can be stress, hormonal fluctuations, or even hereditary. It is usually advised that a person should consult with a doctor first, to find the deep-rooted reason for their hair loss.
Reasons for hair loss:
Finding the real reason as to why one is losing their hair can be quite tricky, as quite a few reasons can trigger hair loss. Listed below are some of the reasons why one may tend to lose their hair at an abnormal rate.
Hormonal Reason:
One of the primary reasons behind hair loss in women can be mostly due to constant hormonal changes due to specific significant bodily changes such as pregnancy, menopause or even thyroid. One such medical condition that usually causes such hair loss in women is alopecia areata that often causes hair follicles to shrink and causes scalp infections such as ringworms, patchy hair loss, etc.
Many people may live in the misconception that stress only affects a person mentally; however, it tends to affect your physical condition as well. Thinning of hairline due to some emotional or even physical trauma can be common among adults. However, such loss is usually temporary and recoverable.
Hairstyles and treatment:
Trying new hair styles and colouring your hair may seem trendy, cool, or even used as a way to express yourself. However, it can affect your hair majorly in the long run, also, at times, leading to permanent hair damage. One can also suffer from traction alopecia, which is a type of hair loss caused due to excessive pulling of hair. This usually occurs due to trying different hairstyles such as ponytails, cornrows etc.
People who happen to be suffering from serious illnesses such as cancer, heart problems, blood pressure, etc. tend to be given high dose medications, which more often than not have side-effects. One of them being hair loss at a significant rate or even permanently. Another reason behind hair loss among cancer patients is usually radiation therapy, which tends to block hair follicles and reduce hair growth. People going through therapy can also sometimes suffer from hair loss as it is a symptom for intaking medications for depression and anxiety.
A prevalent reason as to why some people tend to lose their hair at a quick pace or even at a tender age is usually due to hereditary problems. It is entirely predictable that if the individual’s parents happen to suffer from hair loss problems, then the child may also end up inheriting it as well.
Prevention of hair loss:
People suffering from problems related to hair loss tend to search the internet for various hair loss prevention techniques. After all, preventing a problem is always better than diving in to find a cure. Listed here are certain habits one can adopt to prevent hair loss:
- Change hair products
- Avoid hot showers
- Massage your scalp
- Switch to anti-dandruff shampoos
- Only intake prescription medicines
- Use a laser comb for hair loss treatment