- August 25, 2019
Nature is a glorious wonder and it helps us in ways we cannot even fathom. Natural beverages and other natural products stand superior in the hierarchy of healing. Many of these healing products include natural oils, such as Lemon Oil. It is a widely known home remedy that even our ancestors have put to use. It can be put directly onto skin, or as an aromatic therapy.
Where does Lemon Oil come from?
The origin of Lemons remains unknown up to this day, but many claim they originate from North-East India. India remains up to this day, the country that produces the most Lemons, with Mexico behind. You can find them in every market in the world. Their use is widespread and highly beneficial. Moreover, the oil subtracted from Lemons is quite likely to be one of the best oils to use for medical purposes. Nature provided amazing supplements for people all over the globe, and as we can deduce, lemons are among these. Their healing powers are absolutely uncanny and magical.
What are its Benefits?
One of the main reasons people use this oil is health benefits. It has a wide range of them, and it excels in each.
1. Reduces the Appearance of Scars.
In the first place, it does wonders to your skin. It reduces the appearance of scars because it beholds a lot of Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which repairs and nourishes skin. It serves as a great help in preventing infections, may they be fungal or viral. It highly reduces UV skin damage, and reduces toxins which are produced by the metabolism. It also helps with acne, psoriasis, and overall aging effects. It has a tremendously positive effect on stretch marks, so you might as well start using it regularly! It totally kills harmful bacteria in your skin through its antioxidant powers.
2. Helps with Morning Sickness.
Nausea and vomiting during early pregnancy will be abolished by this oil. The very smell of it can give away a sense of peace to anyone near.
3. Pain Reliever
Another health benefit of Lemon Oil is that it can act as a pain reliever. Many experiments conducted on animals prove this hypothesis to be right. It can also help you breathe better and cure your sore throat. It is said that it also boosts your brain, and will help you be more concentrated in general.
4. Heals Tissue and Promotes Weight Loss
Since this oil has an abundance of vitamin C, it will help with healing tissue and wounds. It can prove beneficial with insomnia and promote weight loss. In other studies conducted, it also shows that lemon oil enhances mood in a large scale. The only side effects known are the phototoxic ones. This oil may not work the same on all kinds of skin, therefore you should find what personally works for you best. It may be that Lemon oil alone does not satisfy your skin, but when mixed with other natural oils, it will do wonders!
Other Uses of Lemon Oil
It has a range of uses, from aromatherapy to anything your mind might fathom! If you have problems with mood bipolarity, stress, anxiety, and so on, then go no further than lemon oil. This natural remedy is one of a kind, and will help you in various ways. Often we go in long roads trying to heal ourselves with pharmaceutical products, and forget that what we may need lies in Mother Nature herself. She has enough supplies for us to be stacked in terms of healing. You can never estimate the levels of healing she is capable of, therefore you should explore her realms. Lemon Oil is one of the best natural remedies, so make sure it’s on your drawer.