- December 10, 2019
We often stare at film stars and celebrities, wondering the secret behind their out-of-the-world appearance at the red carpet or other occasions. The dresses and footwear they wear are made by internationally acclaimed designers and cost more than what most earn yearly. It is, however, their face and the skin that leaves us stunned and speechless. While it may not be possible to follow their daily skincare regimen exactly- the basics are often deceptively simple. One just needs to be regular, disciplined and methodical in their approach to get healthy glowing skin. To achieve the salon-like glow, you need to stand out among the crowd- just following a few daily skincare routines and certain lifestyle changes are sufficient. Here are a few tips and suggestions to help you get started with the process.
While it is best to set up your regimen after consultation with a skincare expert, it is imperative that you follow it regularly and religiously. Here are a few things to keep in mind while getting started:
● Wash your face regularly at least twice a day.
Dust particles, as well as toxins, tend to get accumulated on the exposed areas of the skin due to pollution in the air. It is therefore suggested that you should wash your face before going to bed and in the morning. Use a general soap or any lotion that provides mild cleansing. However, make sure they do not contain peroxide or alcohol as ingredients. These chemicals strip of the essential oils from our skin and often result in the uneven complexion of the skin.
● Use natural face masks that goes well with your skin type.
The human skin can be broadly categorised into three types: Medium, Oily or Dry. It is crucial to know your skin type before trying out any new product. An easy way to check your skin type is by rubbing a tissue over the forehead and tip of your nose- preferably an hour after washing the face. If the tissue reveals oil, it means that you possess oily skin. Dry skin flakes on the tissue indicate dry skin.
● Use Moisturisers
Moisturisers mainly help by providing moisture to the skin. Water deprivation and cold weather results in the skin getting dry. People with dry skin suffer from excessive tightening of the skin and breakouts. In case of oily-skinned people, the body reacts to this drying by producing excessive oil which in turn further attracts microparticles. It is necessary to select the proper moisturiser according to your needs.
Many skin experts suggest using different moisturisers throughout the day. They approve the use of a light moisturiser with at least SPF 15 during the day so that your skin does not feel oily. Heavy and richer moisturisers (preferably with retinol or peptides as ingredients) are advised to be used at night.
● Use Peroxide or Salicylic Acid to treat Acne
Acnes and pimples are a nightmare for many. Celebrities have the option of consulting with a dermatologist and getting set for amino acid therapy. Such treatments, however, cost a boatload of money and if you are someone like me, having to regularly worry about paying domestic bills on time- using cleansing products with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid has been known to be pretty effective in treating Acne. An important thing to remember regarding Acne- never pick or pop a pimple. They contain pus and bacteria, which can lead to redding of the skin, blemishes or severe acne breakouts.
● Exfoliate Your Skin Regularly
Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin cells. The skin-cycle must shed off the old dead skin cells(containing impurities) and replace them with fresh new skin cells. The fresh new skin results in a shiny glowing aura. Exfoliating masks can be naturally made using fresh ingredients like a mixture of Honey and Baking Soda. Other options include sugar(brown or white) with coconut or olive oil or using coffee/oatmeal scrubs.
It is a known fact that adopting a healthy lifestyle with controlled dieting and proper exercise is beneficial for your overall well-being. The benefits of a healthy lifestyle are also reflected on the skin. You can observe the positive changes within a week or two. Here are some habits you can adopt in your daily life:
- Sleep a minimum of 7 to 8 hours a day.
- Avoid processed carbohydrates and sugar.
- Add a lot of fruits and green vegetables in your dietary regimen.
- Limit alcohol consumption.
- Stop smoking.
- Use natural face masks if possible.